Kiss Me, I'm Irish is a read-along of HOUNDED by Kevin Hearne, and hosted by awesome bloggers Felicia of Geeky Blogger's Book Blog, Amanda of On a Book Bender, Ash of Smash Attack Reads!, Jen of In the Closet with a Bibliophile and Missie the Unread Reader. This post will contain answers for last week and this week. Hope that's okay with you ladies!
Chapters 6-10
1. In Chapter 6, Atticus goes hunting with Oberon and Flidais. What was supposed to be a fun hunting trip turned rather disastrous. Were you expecting something like this to happen or did it catch you by surprise? Have you ever had something that should have been fun turn disastrous or nearly disastrous?
I expected something to go wrong and crank up the action in the book, but I didn't think it would be so disastrous. I've had lots of great plans and expectations to do things that I thought were fun like a part or a movie night only to find people back out at the last minute, which is why I stopped planning for things. It just seems counterproductive.
2. We are only briefly introduced to the witches (or, a witch) in chapter 7. What are your first impressions? How much would you trust the witches? Why?
After reading lots of paranormal/urban fantasy books, I've learned quickly to never trust anyone who has super powers. I don't trust the witches at all, because they always seem to back out of their deals and twist things around to favor themselves just like the fey.
3. Oberon says, “With dogs you just go up and smell their asses and you know where you stand. It’s so much easier. Why can’t humans do that?” Do you ever wish there was an easier way to find out where you stand with someone (besides Oberon’s suggestion, of course)? In what cases would it be easier or better to hide your true feelings?
Of course! There were lots of times where I wished I had a radar like Cinder does in Marissa Meyer's book where she has a light that goes off when she suspects someone and if they are not telling the truth. I think it would be easier to hide your true feelings in a life or death situation or when you have the potential to really hurt someone.
4. Chapter 9 makes Atticus’ life much more difficult: the witches are in some way working with Aeghus Og, Bres comes after Atticus, and more trouble appears at the end of the chapter. Have you made sense of what has happened thus far? Any predictions for what might happen?
I had an idea of what would happen next, but since I already the book and knows what happens I'm going to avoid this question.
5. Atticus has had plenty of time to cultivate attitudes and ethics that would allow him to live a very long time. What do you think it is about Atticus that has allowed him to live for as long as he has?
Well, he is smart and keeps thing in check. He has a very small circle of people who can trust and help him when in need. Plus, you know, he's a druid so magic spells are also a big help. :)
Chapters 11-15
1. I love Leif Helgarson, Viking Vampire, Esq. I have to say that combo makes a pretty cool attorney. If you could have a paranormal/mythical beastie (or combo) covering your tuckus in court, what would you choose and why?
You're making me think on a Friday morning? Hrm..well, I guess I would have to go with Jim, the were-jaguar who is head of security, from the Kate Daniel series. Jim is a non-sense guy who doesn't hide around the bushes. He's super smart and a sleuth so he would have no difficulty in finding evidence and using those to my benefit.
2. The police show up to question Atticus about his Irish Wolfhound, Oberon. If you could own any dog breed, what would it be and why? (P.S. Oberon is going on my list of favorite sidekicks!)
I honestly don't know. I don't own a dog or know much about them.
3. Malina Sokolowski and the other Sisters of the Three Auroras coven have my antennae up. What is your opinion of them?
I don't like them at all. They're are sneaky and can't be trusted. I'm pretty sure they have an ulterior motive too.
4. Brighid, goddess of poetry, fire and the forge, gave Atticus the power of Cold Iron, which can be used to fight off that nasty lilttle hellspawn. If you could wield one magical power, what would it be and why?
I know it's a cop-out but I would love to have Rogue's power from the X-men who is able to absorb other people's abilities by a touch. If that's not possible than Professor X's talent of memory manipulation. If you can't already tell, I'm a huge Xmen fan. :D
5. The cops show up at Atticus’ shop to search for poor Oberon, who remains magically hidden throughout the ordeal. What is the one thing you would do if you could remain hidden from sight? I want to hear some good answers for this one!
Not sure to be honest. Being voyeuristic just sounds so ... creepy.
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