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Friday, March 23, 2012

Kiss Me, I'm Irish Read-along: Chapters 16-20

  Kiss Me, I'm Irish is a read-along of HOUNDED by Kevin Hearne, and hosted by awesome bloggers Felicia of Geeky Blogger's Book Blog, Amanda of On a Book Bender, Ash of Smash Attack Reads!, Jen of In the Closet with a Bibliophile and Missie the Unread Reader. For more information on how to join, click here. Today we are discussing Chapters 16-20.

Chapters 16-20

1.  Just after Atticus is shot, Oberon has to "ninja" his way out of the shop and into Hal's Beamer (with the icky air freshener). Have you ever been in a situation where you had to "ninja" your way out and try not to be discovered? If so, what happened?

When you have a large family and four other siblings, it's hard to go or do anything unawares. ;)

2. Atticus's main goal through a large portion of the book is not only protecting Oberon, but also protecting the sword. You are now living in a paranormal world and you need a weapon! What weapon do you choose and what can it do? 

I have to fan-girly once again, but I'd pick Wonder Woman's Lasso of Truth. The Lasso was forged by Hephaestus. It's unbreakable, and is capable of confining even beings as physically powerful as Superman. Empowered by the Fires of Hestia, the Lasso forces anyone held by it to tell the absolute truth. The fires are said to even be able to cure insanity, as they did in the case of Ares, God of War, when he attempted to incite World War III, but renounced his plan when the Lasso showed him that such a war would destroy all life on Earth, including any potential worshipers he sought to gain from it. (Source: Superhero Database).

3. To recharge and heal after being shot, Atticus sleeps naked, tattoos to the earth, in a patch of grass near the Civic Center in downtown Scottsdale. Where is the weirdest place you have ever slept? 

 I can't think of any place. I had a professor in college who had the worst monotone voice ever. It took will power and large amounts of caffeine to stay awake in his class. I still remember a guy sitting in the front row who would fall asleep and snore very loudly within the first 10 minutes of class (I'd actually timed it after the third time). The class was very small, about 15 kids and there was no where to hide and sleep. I wondered if that guy ever passed that class. 

4. We finally find out some very interesting information about Granuaile and I don't know about you, but I certainly wasn't expecting to find that she's sharing her head with someone else. What about you, did you expect anything along those lines? If not, what were you expecting concerning Granuaile?  

 I really like Granuaile and think she will become an interesting character as the series progresses. I had a hint about her, but I thought she was just another supernatural character. While I wasn't disappointed to know that she's pretty normal besides the dual personality, I kinda wished there was more of a development leading up to the discovery. It seemed to kind of come out of nowhere. Now that I look back, I actually like how she's kinda like the 'normal' version of Atticus and serves as a great contrast to him.
5.  Laksha is a witch, a truly evil one at that for many of the things she's done in the past. However, she's supposedly seen the error of her ways. Do you think she really has? Would you be willing to trust her? Do you think Atticus is smart to have decided to trust her to help him with the "other" witches?

 I love Laksha only because I don't know what she has been planning and there's something spontaneous about her. I love the fact that she is Southeast Asian and not the stereotypical woman who is passive and quiet. I'm really curious about her background and hope to get more of her back story. I don't think she has seen the errors of her ways. Not at all. She got her butt kicked and now she's looking to dust herself off and get back in the fight. If I was Atticus, I would definitely keep my eye on her.

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