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Friday, March 2, 2012

Kiss Me, I'm Irish Read-along: Chapters 1-5

Kiss Me, I'm Irish is a read-along of HOUNDED by Kevin Hearne, and hosted by Felicia of Geeky Blogger's Book Blog, Amanda of On a Book Bender, Ash of Smash Attack Reads!, Jen of In the Closet with a Bibliophile and Missie the Unread Reader. Today we are discussing Chapters 1-5.

1.  Kevin Hearne had the most perfect beginning for this book:  "There are many perks to living for twenty-one centuries, and foremost among them is bearing witness to the rare birth of genius."  If you were to live for centuries what do you think you would be excited to see?  

I think I would be excited to see all the technological advancements in the future. I curious to see what the "it" technology we would have years from now. I'm still waiting for a remote control to pause time or a cyborg/robot ala Rosie the Robot from The Jetsons to be created so I don't have to do the dreaded house chores. Wouldn't that be nice?

2. In the 2nd chapter we learn about the amulet and its protection powers!  Do you think having met the Morrigan and heard about Aenghus Og that it will be enough to protect Atticus?  I mean the Morrigan has a point about hot chicks coming after him and his defenses might be down! He is very male! 

Although Morrigan really freaks me out, it is smart of Atticus to have have a god on his side. I'm curious to see how their relationship progresses as the series continues. Though he is male, he doesn't strike me as someone who will lower his defenses when being seduced or tempted. Surviving two millenniums seem to be evident of that.  

3. The literary world's coolest dog is introduced in this chapter!  Did you love Oberon immediately?  Show me a picture or describe the type of animal you would love to have as a talking companion! (Cat, Dog, Mouse, Sloth, Horse---what is your pick--pictures please)?

I'm guessing were-creatures don't count? *Pouts* Well, I always thought Jack the monkey in the Pirates movies was cute. As long as he's not under the curse. 


4. In this chapter Flidais asked Atticus what his name is and then precedes to ask if anyone actually believes he is Greek?  He says nobody pays attention to names here.  Do you know what your name means and where it comes from?  Or do you have a name you wish had?  Let's talk names!

My first name is derived from the Arabic word rumman, which means pomegranate. I loved pomegranates long before finding out that's what my name means. Weird, huh?

 5.  We learn about Atticus' lawyers in this chapter, a rather unique combo!  Without jumping ahead, would you hire a lawyer combination of two supernaturals who on the surface would appear to be natural enemies or at the very least two very Alpha attitudes? What would be the positives and negatives of that decision.

 Absolutely! The lawyers would know everything about keeping my secret under control, especially with themselves being supernatural. While they both may have alpha attitudes, they would work different shifts- one during the day and the other during the night. It would also be nice to have some what you would call 'normal' friends where you can put your facade on hold once in a while. 

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