hotel sahid surabaya

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wonderstruck: A Novel in Words and Pictures

  Brian Selznick continues to blend in genres and narrative styles. In 2007 his groundbreaking pictures-and-text format stunned the children's book world and its readers when he released his Caldecott winning novel The Invention of Hugo Cabret. When I heard he was working on a similar project with Wonderstruck, I was very excited to see what this author comes up with next.

Description (from Good Reads): Set fifty years apart, two independent stories—Ben's told in words and Rose's in pictures—weave back and forth with mesmerizing symmetry. How they unfold and ultimately intertwine will surprise you, challenge you, and leave you breathless with wonder.
   Ever since his mom died, Ben feels lost. At home with her father, Rose feels alone. He is searching for someone, but he is not sure who. She is searching for something, but she is not sure what. When Ben finds a mysterious clue hidden in his mom's room and when a tempting opportunity presents itself to Rose, both children risk everything to find what's missing.

Review:  Brian Selznick has done it again. Instead of returning to the regular picture book format which is mostly known for, he replicates his words and pictures storytelling format of Hugo. Most readers will jump on the chance to compare Hugo with Wonderstruck, but I really don't think they are easily comparable. Both stories have different tones and stand on their own right. In fact, I think Wonderstruck is a much riskier book because it weaves two parallel stories that allow us to become more emotionally involved with its characters. 
  Like its predecessor, Wonderstruck is also self-described as a "novel in words and pictures." The book opens with a cinematic, multi-page, wordless black-and-white sequence: Two wolves lope through a wooded landscape. We follow the illustrator's "camera" as it zooms in to the eye of one wolf until we are lost in its pupil. The scene changes abruptly, to Gunflint Lake, Minn., in 1977. Prose describes how Ben Wilson wakes from a nightmare about wolves who he believes is chasing him. He has orphan for three months living with his aunt and cousins after his mother's untimely death in a car accident. He never knew his father. Ben's sense of loneliness is suddenly interwoven with a crosshatched black-and-white drawings of a lonely girl named Rose in Hoboken, NJ in 1927.  This sequence of words and drawing are now a trademark for this author. We know that the two stories will converge, but Selznick keeps them guessing about the connection between these two characters, cutting back and forth with expert precision and thus creating a satisfying mystery to solve.
  Both Ben and Rose leave their unhappy homes and head to New York City, but for different reasons or at least when seems to be different. Ben is hoping to find his father after receiving a pertinent clue about his possible whereabouts. Rose is also in search of family. We learn clues about both characters as we join them on their journey.
  The words and pictures format is not a gimmick, but used for a purpose. Rose, readers learn, is deaf, which is why her her silent world is brilliantly evoked in wordless sequences. The wordless sequences allow us to become Rose. Through her longing eyes, we feel her loneliness and her frustration with finding a way to communicate is tangible. Ben's story unfolds in prose. Both stories are equally absorbing, complex, and impeccably paced. Though they could have stand on their own, there are just too many details left out of them. I love how the two threads come together at the American Museum of Natural History. As the conclusion unfolds, I couldn't help but get teary eyed. While Hugo enlightened us about the excitement of the era of silent movies, Wonderstruck shows us how thrilling a museum can be. Visually stunning and aptly named, Wonderstruck is a definitely a wonder to behold regardless of its weight and tome-like appearance.

Rating: 5 stars

Words of Caution: None. Recommended for Grades 4 and up.

If you like this book try: The Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler by E.L. Konigsburg, Chasing Vermeer by Blue Balliett, or The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick

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