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Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Reel Shelf Presents: Max Evans (Roswell)

Welcome to The Reel Shelf, a new weekly feature here at Books in the Spotlight where I imagine what's on my favorite TV/Movie character's book shelves. Today I'm showcasing Roswell, one of my favorite science fiction shows that combines mystery, drama, romance, suspense, and of course teenage angst. I actually own the DVDs to this show and have watched it numerous times. I would like to introduce to you one of Roswell's main protagonists, Max Evans.

Image and Quote from IMBD
Liz: Max, the day that you saved my life, your life just ended.

Max: No, that was the day my life began. Liz, when I was in that room, and they did what they did to me. You're what kept me alive. The thought of you. The way your eyes look into mine. Your smile. The touch of your skin. Your lips. Knowing you has made me human. Whether I die tomorrow or fifty years from now, my destiny is the same: it's you. I want to be with you, Liz. I love you.

Liz: I love you.

Max Evans is a human/alien hybrid with special powers. Max doesn't draw attention to himself. He is usually timid, introverted, and thoughtful. Accompanied by his sister Isabel, and their friend Michael, the trio came from a spacecraft that crashed in 1947 in Roswell, New Mexico. The teens have no idea who sent them to Earth or why. Their current goal is to survive high school and live inconspicuously that is until Max heals his long time crush Liz Parker from a bullet wound after a fatal shooting. With this impulsive decision where Max used his heart instead of his brain, propels the teen's lives into the unknown. Liz's remarkable recovery makes authorities suspicious and gives possible clues to Max's real "home". As more information is gathered, the human/alien hybrid trio begin to learn more about their destinies, their mission on Earth, and accept their humanity. 
  I had a major crush on Max from the very first episode. Max's growing relationship with Liz Parker is sweet and a definite highlight of the show. He is destiny to become a leader without any guidance is compelling. He spends his time thinking before taking action, which is a constant source of struggle with the other characters. Though he may not always make the right choice, he does however take responsibility for his actions and choices. He is never beyond offering apologies to those he hurts.  On Max's book shelves, I envision books that reflect his own reality: characters who are alien (pun intended) either on Earth or on other planets or characters who struggle with the ethics of using their superpowers.

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