I'm delighted to be part of the Shadows of Asphodel blog tour hosted by CBB book promotions! Today I have a guest post from the author, Karen Kincy, on her top ten favorite words along with my review of Shadows of Asphodel. You can follow the Shadows of Asphodel tour here and be sure to check out the awesome giveaway below my review.
Karen Kincy's Top Ten Favorite Words
Karen Kincy
Since I’m a linguistics major, I’m going to have to go with my top ten favorite words. – Karen
1. Syzygy. This word is so hard to spell it’s awesome. It’s used to describe three celestial bodies in a straight line, like when you get the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon in a row during an eclipse.
2. Antediluvian. It means “before the flood” and looks appropriately epic. I used to have this word as part of a wifi password until the number of syllables drove my husband crazy.
3. Serendipity. Also has a lovely meaning. I always like happy accidents or pleasant surprises.
4. Absinthe. This one word evokes the Art Nouveau world of the Belle Époque for me. The word itself sounds smoky and slithering.
5. Lavender. Ironically, lavender makes me sneeze, but I love how this word feels in my mouth.
6. Archangel. Also brings to mind seraphim, which is another awesome word. I always loved the name Serafina Pekkala from Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials for that reason. I believe he said he found the name in a Finnish phone book.
7. Maelstrom. This is why I love English. It borrows so many badass-sounding words from other languages. Maelstrom is basically a Viking word for a big whirlpool.
8. Chocolate. Especially when used in the same sentence with “Karen” and “eat.”
9. Evanescence. I think the band has put permanent dibs on this word for the time being. To evanesce means to disappear like vapor, the way a rainbow does eventually.
Review of Shadows of Asphodel
If a necromancer like Wendel dies, he will return as a monster--or so the rumors say. Ardis decides to play it safe and rescues him. What she doesn't expect is Wendel falling to one knee and swearing fealty. Ardis never asked for the undying loyalty of a necromancer, but it's too late now.
Ardis and Wendel forge an uneasy alliance underscored with sexual tension. Together, they confront rebels, assassins, and a conspiracy involving a military secret: robotically-enhanced soldiers for a world on the brink of war. But as Ardis starts to fall for Wendel, she realizes the scars from his past run more deeply than she ever imagined. Can Ardis stop Wendel before his thirst for revenge destroys him and everyone else around him?
Review: Shadows of Asphodel is my first dieselpunk romance, which is much like steampunk but the alternative setting is not Victorian but rather pre-World War I and the gadgets are centered on diesel instead of steam. It is clear that the author loved and did her research of this time period really well. The setting is vivid and I can imagine myself on the battlefields where we find Ardis and Wendel, the stars of the novel. Unlike some authors, Kincy doesn't dump large chunks of information on her readers, but gives us little clues as to how the society works- both on a fantasy angle as well as a social structure. Important historical figures of the time such as Francis Ferdinand and Rudolf Diesel were mentioned or even characters themselves in the story. The more I read, the book I was sucked into the world that Kincy created.
Ardis and Wendel are both very intriguing characters who have hidden scars and haunted pasts. Though they may act as if they are two very different people, they are very similar in many ways. Ardis is afraid of death though she makes no hesitation in killing someone. Wendel is afraid of his necromancy skills but yet is fascinated by it at the same time. I also loved the fact that Ardis is of mixed race, but I wish we got to unravel the mystery of Chun Yi, Ardis's sword and family heirloom and of her father. Wendel is a character that had me curious at the start. For the longest time I was ambivalent towards Wendel. He could be at times sweet and vulnerable while other times I just wasn't sure if I could trust him. I was really surprised how fast Ardis trusted him with they first met.
The romance between Ardis and Wendel started a bit too quickly for me. While I liked the sexual tension between the characters, I would have liked to see their relationship grow slowly since both have issues with trust, but I did enjoy their banter and their romance is sweet. I really appreciated that the romance of Shadows of Asphodel didn't overshadow the plot but rather enhanced it, showing how Ardis and Wendel came together to overcome their obstacles.
Besides the rushed romance, the only other problem I had with Shadows of Asphodel is that the dialogue was all in modern American voice even though the characters came a different backgrounds and they should have been a bit different considering their different nationalities. The story's timeline is also a bit inconsistent sometimes such as Ardis can stay up late through one night but really three nights have past and we don't know what happened in those days. Though the action was nonstop in the book, I didn't get my reading groove into the story for about the first 6 chapters or so which is not to say a problem of the book but me trying to wrap my head around the setting and characters. Overall, I enjoyed Shadows of Asphodel and readers looking for a fun read to cleanse their reading palates should really consider picking this one up.
Rating: 3.5 stars
Words of Caution: There is some strong violence, some language, and graphic sexual situations. Recommended for older teens and adults.
If you like this book try: The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress, Her Ladyship Curse by Lynn Viehl
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