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Monday, August 15, 2011

Absolute Boyfriend Vol 5

  You've probably sensed my frustration with the Absolute Boyfriend manga series. At first I thought it was cute and amusing, but after the first two volumes the storyline got crazy. I started disliking most of the characters, particularly our heroine, Riiko, who can't for the life of her make a decision. I'm happy to say that the fifth volume of this series was much better than the last two.

Description (from Goodreads): A miniature version of Night has returned to Riiko while his full-size body gets repaired—but now Soshi has decided to move in with them! Can a mini Night prove to Riiko that his love is just as real as Soshi's?

Review: When the fourth volume of Absolute Boyfriend ended, there was a brawl involving Night and Toshiki. Night was injured and taken to Kronos Heaven for repairs, only to come back as a miniature. Soshi has learned about Riiko's secret and how she 'met' Night. He has requested Riiko to make her final decision as to who she loves: him or Night? 
  Riiko is hardly able to make any decisions and is confronted by the reality that Night is and will always be a figure. The concept of dating and falling in love with a figure is what keeps me drawing back to Absolute Boyfriend. It is fascinating watching Night develop normal human feelings- the longing to be desired and wanted, feeling sad, insecure, jealous, etc. There are many parts of the story where I really do consider him as a human and not just a figure, mainly because his dialogue and the way he is drawn is so lifelike. 
  As for the dragging love triangle, it is clear that the mangaka, the writer and illustrator of the manga, is herself torn. There are good arguments supporting either team. Unlike the author, I've always sided with Soshi. In this volume things turn to the serious as Night and Soshi share dialogue and time together. It is clear that both want best for Riiko. We can only wait to see who Riiko will finally pick.

Rating: 3.5 stars

Words of Caution: There is semi-nudity and sexual themes throughout this volume. Rated OT for Older Teens.

If you like this book try: Girl Parts by John M. Cusik, The Silver Metal Lover by Tanith Lee, Absolute Boyfriend Vol 6 by Yuu Watase

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