hotel sahid surabaya

Friday, August 6, 2010

Let's Hop!

Book Blogger Hop 

I had a great time participating in Crazy for Book's Blog Hop that I wanted to do it again. The blog hop allowed me to find out new and interesting blogs to read and follow. Hope you join me in the hop!

This week's question is: Do you listen to music when you read? If so, what are your favorite reading tunes?

  Sometimes. I guess it depends on what I'm reading. If the book is intense enough, I don't need to have music playing in the background. If I'm reading a book where my attention wavers, I might put on what I call mellow music from bands like "Snow Patrol" and "The Sundays" that set a tone or an ambiance.

If you're here from the Blog Hop, welcome! Take a look around, read my book reviews, and follow if you like what you see. Please be sure to leave your name and blog link so I can stop by and say hi!

There's still 11 days left to enter the Mockingjay Giveaway!

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