hotel sahid surabaya

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Blog Hop Friday!

  Yes, I know it's technically still Thursday, but Friday is only half hour away. You know what that means? It's that time again to join in the book blog party and start hopping! I look forward to every Friday to participate and learn something new from each new blog that I discover and follow. Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Jen over at Crazy for Books.

This week's question is from LibraryScatBooks: How many blogs do you follow?
 Answer: I currently follow approximately 30 blogs. I found many of them from Book Blogger Fridays! I try really hard to read each blog and comment, but it's not always that easy!

If you're a new follower and found my blog, welcome! I hope you find something that you like here. I'm always open to suggestions on what to read or make my blog better. Please leave a link to your blog so I can say "Hi". Thanks!

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