hotel sahid surabaya

Monday, July 7, 2014

Manga Mondays: Boys Over Flowers Vol. 32 + Aizai the Forgotten Giveaway Winner!

   Manga Mondays is a meme hosted by Alison at Alison Can Read where bloggers can share their passion for reading mangas. It's a great place to get new manga titles to try and to meet new bloggers. There are only four more volumes left in this series! I'm curious to see how this series ends.

Description: Tsukushi's on-and-off boyfriend Tsukasa is hospitalized after a gruesome head injury! While his life hangs in the balance his devious mother shows no emotion at all! Could a mother really be so heartless?! Even if Tsukasa is able to survive, he may never be the same again...

Review: Volume 32 has a good balance of romance and drama. Tsukushi and Tsukasa's mother never got along and in this volume they come to an understanding after a big confrontation between them, which nicely closes this thread to the overall plot arc. Both women realize they want what is good for Tsukasa but how they define 'good' is very different. 
The plot switches its focus to Tsukasa's well being after we learned that he was severely injured in the last volume. Now that he is out of the danger zone, Tsukushi and the F3 find out that he has selective amnesia, he has completely forgotten Tskushi and reverted back to the way he was before. I felt horrible for Tsukushi as she tried her best to jog Tsukasa's memory and fails. If that's not bad enough, there's a new rival for Tsukasa's affection who is hiding behind a wall of seemingly "real" friendliness. How long will it take Tsukasa to remember? And will this loss of memory have any harmful side effects to the relationship he and Tsukushi have worked and fought so hard for?

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: There is some minor language. Recommended for teens.

If you like this book try: Boys Over Flowers Vol 33 by Yoko Kamio, Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances by Masami Tsuda, Mars by Fuyumi Soryo


 Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. Congrats to CK Ackarie on winning the Aizai the Forgotten Giveaway! I have forwarded your information to Ms. Harris. She will contact you shortly.

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