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Monday, March 17, 2014

Manga Mondays: Boys Over Flowers Vol 22

 Manga Mondays is a meme hosted by Alison at Alison Can Read where bloggers can share their passion for reading mangas. It's a great place to get new manga titles to try and to meet new bloggers. Tsukushi and Tsukasa have broken up. Heartbroken but never weak, Tsukushi tries her best to move on in her life but will she really forget Tsukasa?

Description: Tsukushi has left her on-and-off boyfriend Tsukasa, his mansion, her school, and Tokyo altogether! Down and out she heads for the seaside village where her family has gone to live and work. Unfortunately her parents are about to be runt out of town. Just then, visitors from Tokyo arrive!

Review: Heartbroken Tsukushi believes the only way to completely remove herself from Tsukasa's life is to leave Tokyo completely. She quickly resigns from school and keeps the money that was reserved for tuition and spends it on her trip to join her family in the farming village.
  We haven't seen Tsukushi's family at all and we assume everything is okay with them since there has been no bad news. We, like Tsukushi, are shocked to see her family barely making ends meet at the fish village. Due to his severe sea sickness, Tsukushi's father is unable to become a fisherman but finds another job that doesn't pay much. Tsukushi's mother has been spending her time in getting loans from other people in the village in order to provide food on the table.
 When Tsukushi's family sees Tsukushi, they are thrilled that her daughter's rich beau will help them get out of the poor village. Tsukushi's mother has already been bragging on how her daughter has landed a rich guy and that she will be soon married. I find Tsukushi's parents irritating and it angers me that they don't see their daughter's true worth. Tsukushi avoids telling her parents that she has left everything at Tokyo at first, however, when she sees how her parents are just waiting for Tsukasa to come to their rescue she grows a spine and comes clean. Never wanting to be dependent on anyone, Tsukushi goes job hunting and promises everyone in the village that her family will repay everyone's loan.

Rating: 4 stars

Words of Caution: There is some language. Recommended for teens and up.

If you like this book try: Boys Over Flowers Vol 23 by Yoko Kamio, Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances by Masami Tsuda, Mars by Fuyumi Soryo

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