hotel sahid surabaya

Thursday, February 27, 2014

The She-Hulk Diaries

  After reading some heavy books, I needed something light to read. I picked up The She-Hulk Diaries, which I thought would nicely blend chick lit with superheroes. For the most part, the book succeeds and I had a fun time reading it.

Description: Saying there are two sides to Jennifer Walters's personality is an understatement. When she hasn't morphed into a 650-pound, crime-fighting, hard-partying superhero, she's a single lawyer trying to get her act together. Hilarious and action-packed, The She-Hulk Diaries tells her story, as she juggles her intense legal career by day with battling villains and saving the world by night. Maybe bad guys will stop trying to destroy the planet so she can have a real social life and even meet a guy who isn't trying to take over the universe.

Review: The She-Hulk Diaries a light book that you can enjoy when you want to put your brain in rest mode. There are no large epiphanies or flowery descriptions in the book, but rather you will have a fun time as if you were hanging out with friends. I really enjoyed the humorous writing style. It was informal, friendly, and read quickly since it was composed mainly in a diary format. It didn't take me long to snicker and giggle while reading this book, especially with the back-and-forth banter between Jen and her best friend, Dahlia. There are many "geek culture" references that I spotted and enjoyed, from Skyrim to LARPing, and the science-themed lyrics penned for Jen's ex-lover's band Fringe Theory are outrageously fun.
  The characters for the most part are dimensional, diverse (culturally and racially, too!), relatable, and likable. I loved Jen, Dahlia, and Genoa from the start, and appreciated the depth of the other characters. She-Hulk aka Shulky was also a delight in that she also had her own personality and came to life on the pages. The villain, though, was very easy to identify and didn't take me by surprise.
  While I appreciated the fact that Jen is a smart heroine and more than capable of fighting her own battles, in the court room and as She-Hulk, I was bothered by the fact that majority of her personal goals and much of the novel is focused on finding a PFLOML (That's "Potential Future Love of My Life") or mooning over an ex who's unexpectedly back in the picture. Though I like a romance (this one features a very hilarious and awkward romance) it felt forced in this story and it didn't quite move beyond infatuation/lust for me.
  If you're looking for a fun book to help cleanse out your genre palate, give The She-Hulk Diaries a chance. It won't necessarily blow you away, but it will leave a smile on your face. 

Rating: 3 stars

Words of Caution: There is some strong language, crude humor, and sexual situations. Recommended for older teens and adults only.

If you like this book try: The Night Gwen Stacy Died by Sarah Bruni, The Charley Davidson series by Darynda Jones, Bridget Jone's Diary series by Helen Fielding

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