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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Guest Post: A.C. Gaughen's Top 10 Favorite Retellings (fairy tales, myths, etc.)

  I'm really excited to have Scarlet's author A.C. Gaughen on the blog today discussing her favorite retellings! I thoroughly enjoyed Scarlet and highly recommend it if you're in the search of a clever retelling with a strong female protagonist that can fence like nobody's business. If you missed my review of Scarlet, you can find it here.

A.C. Gaughen's Top 10 Favorite Retellings

1. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Best retelling ever. Seriously! Levine’s retelling of Cinderella was amazing. This was one of the most fun and best-loved books of my entire childhood. I even loved the vastly different but fun in it’s own way Anne Hathaway Bollywood flick. 

2. The Storyteller's Daughter by Cameron Dokey. This book kicked off a major obsession with all Dokey’s retellings for me, actually, and whether it was because I read it first or because it was a genuine observation, this is by far the best of them. Shahrazad’s story (1001 Arabian Nights) is retold in a magical, beautiful, impossibly romantic way. Wonderful! 

3. Avalon High by Meg Cabot. I LOVE King Arthur, so I was really excited for this medieval adventures in high school treatment of the old legend. On the fun and light side, but that’s not a bad thing. 

4. Before Midnight by Cameron Dokey. Okay, I’m going back for #2 from Dokey. I loved her treatment of Cinderella. The setting became so real and tangible and it was like putting this three dimensional backdrop behind something you were already familiar with. Loved it.

5. Abandon by Meg Cabot. Dude! A retelling of a Greek Myth. Can you get cooler than that? And further more, who can make Hades a compassionate character and Persephone truly torn between the world of the living and the dead? Totally obsessed with this book.

6. Once Upon a Time, er, TV Show. I’m going to veer off books for six and seven because I LOVE two current TV shows as fairytale retellings. I love ONCE for it’s endless intricacies that serve to weave all of the fairytale world rather diabolically together, but also serve to shed a new light on the complicated motivations of some of our favorite characters.

7. Grimm, TV Show. I was probably the only person who loved that Brothers Grimm movie, mostly because I’m really intrigued by these brothers and their original fairy tales that were horrific and brutal (and supposedly rewrote local legends that villified mothers into step mothers because they were so partial to their own dear mama). Really digging that Grimm is giving it a CSI detective kind of feel. 

8. Golden by Cameron Dokey. Okay, clearly I like Dokey’s retellings. There’s a lot to choose from. Golden puts Rapunzel in a industrial age where she’s struggling to make her own choices and find her own way--but the tale is still recognizable and toys with your expectations. 

9. Cinder by Marissa Meyer. Okay, I haven’t gotten my hands on this one yet, but I’m DYING TO!! It looks so good. Cinderella is a ROBOT. A ROBOT!! Give it to me, please! 

10. Impossible by Nancy Werlin. Okay, I don’t know that this is actually a 'retelling' as such, but it’s definitely a modern day fairy tale that’s based on an old ballad called Scarborough Fair. Surely that counts, right? It’s clever and endearing and Lucy’s search to break the curse is just magical enough! 

 How is it that I've never heard of Cameron Dokey before?! I must check her books out, especially a YA retelling of the Arabian Nights. That's so cool!  I've got Ella Enchanted on my tbr pile, but haven't read it yet. *Blushes* I'm also digging Once Upon a Time, but haven't had the chance to watch Grimm, but it does look interesting. I also loved Brothers Grimm: Matt Damon + Heath Ledger + Fairy Tales = Awesome! Thank you so much for stopping by, A.C.!

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